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Trading Patience: How to Improve Your Day Trading Performance

Learn and improve your day trading performance by reading this blog Apart from trading all day, you have to admit that you constantly stalk other top day traders to get their trick. But it’s not about the tricks and secrets alone, it’s about your trading patience. Every day, the market offers you the opportunity to make a profit, it’s up to you to make the best out of it.

The stock market is rising on your one-minute chart, it starts to pull back but then stalls out. You buy expecting the uptrend to start again, but instead, the pullback continues and you find yourself in a losing position. The price stalls again and the trade ends with a loss.

You’re upset you didn’t wait for a better entry point. You aren’t even paying attention as the price starts to rally again. You just missed the real entry point and a winning trade.

Sound familiar?

Every strategy should tell you where and when to get into a trade, but you need to wait for that moment of truth to arrive.  If you don’t have trading patience, you’ll not only lose when you miss the real entry point. You might end up losing a huge investment.

Also Read: How To Become A Successful Proprietary Equity Trader

Impatience Throws Off Your Timing

There’s no timing without trading patience. Have you ever bought right before the price drops? Then, on the next setup, you don’t buy because you’re disheartened or don’t have enough time to place the new trade? You then watch in frustration and anger as the price takes off in the anticipated direction.

Does this happen often? When this situation occurs traders often say “My timing is off” or “I’m out of sync with the market.” That’s true, but the reality is that your trading patience is low. Impatient trades lead to unnecessary losses, additional stress, and wasted emotional energy. These factors can cause you to miss valid signals that often occur shortly after you get out of a losing trade. If your expectations on price direction are often correct, but you’re not usually in a trade when the price moves in that expected direction, “your patience is off.”

How to improve your day trading performance

Does Your Trading Strategy Work?

You already know that Knowledge is power. Now that you have formulated a workable trading strategy with your research so far, it’s time to practice the strategy patiently. Most traders have a strategy they follow that tells them when and where to get into a trade. That strategy, if traded correctly, should yield a profit, otherwise, why are you using it?

Practice to Perfect Trading Patience

While your strategy may seem simple on the surface, you still need to practice. Implementing a simple strategy without practising can be hard. Everyone pulls back and trend slightly differs. Recognize that the market is different from your drawing board and you’ll see your trade profit skyrocket.

To become more proficient with your trading strategy, you need to improve your trading patience. The more you practice your strategy, the easier you’ll be able to implement your skills, especially under fast-moving market conditions.


When watching a fast-moving chart in real-time the mind gets tricked into thinking you should get into a trade before the trade setup has fully formed. You don’t want to miss a trade, so you get in a bit early and end up with a loss. Wait for the setup to fully form and trigger your trade.

Wait! before you lose your trading patience. if you aren’t patient, you might lose the trade. Be okay with missing a trade. If you’re trying to profit from every price move, how is that working for you? Only take trades that give you a complete setup and trigger your trade. No trade occurs unless the market triggers it.  If you’re following your strategy and are still getting in a bit too early, have a brainstorming session on what you could do differently to improve your trading patience.

Until I have multiple pieces of evidence that indicate NOW is the time to get in, I don’t trade. You don’t need to catch every big price move to make a profit.

Be patient.  The market often takes longer to move than we anticipate. If we miss a move, we miss it. By waiting for the valid setup and trade trigger you’ll start catching more of those price moves you’re anticipating, and not wasting your money on impatient losing trades.

Record every day Trade

If the price is trending higher and starts to pull back, I wait for that pullback to pause before I even consider getting in. Once the price starts to move sideways, I watch for little clues that the price is starting to go higher again. If the sideways movement lasts for several bars then I watch for the price to move above the high for the consolidation to trigger my trade. If the price is wiggling around during the pullback I watch for slightly higher highs and higher lows in those tiny price moves.

Recording your moves, strategies and response to market situation helps you build your trading patience. These micro-movements give evidence that the buying pressure could be building again. When you Record your everyday trade, you also improve your trading strategy and your trading profit.

Bottom Line on improving your day trading performance

If your timing seems off, wait for your setup to form and to “trigger.” If you’re still getting into trades too early, adjust the parameters of your strategy so you see a few more price bars. This forces you to be more patient and gets you into more profitable trades. With trading patience, you’ll have less stress and frustration in your trading.

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The term comes from the idea of using a pencil and paper to track your potential gains and losses had you invested your actual money.

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