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Guide to switching between trading strategies

You may feel discouraged about the subject because you have witnessed past experiences and understand that the path of a stock funded trader is complex and full of twists and turns that will disturb you. Every day your wins slip out of your hands and your losses find a bigger home in your heart. Your nakedness seems endless sometimes, doesn’t it? Imagine each trade you make feeling disconnected from previous trades and floating in an even more unknown sea of ​​chaos and uncertainty. The custom model you’ve always been looking for may seem out of reach.

Watch charts continuously for hours, looking for good frames in noisy data that are a sign of predictability. However, as soon as you enter a position, the market will reverse or turn on you, betraying your rational basis for trading.

Are there some determinants that don’t affect anything outside the model? 

I know your doubts will grow and you will gradually lose confidence and each subsequent transaction will become more suspicious to you. There is also a constant stream of ideas, strategies and experts in the financial media promising to reveal the secrets of wealth in the forex market. You listen to it, you try to adapt to it, you try it, you accept it, but nothing comes of it. But your performance is still erratic and inconsistent, like it wasn’t what you expected at all. 

Then your intuition starts to speak to you and you start to wonder what it takes to become a smart funded trader. While your business friends tell you that you can easily make a fortune from the comfort of your laptop, you feel that the journey feels like an uncharted wilderness. You know that for sure. Dark clouds never build a house, and your struggles are not yours alone. The gods of the market have to deal with even the most experienced traders. You’re a freshman and you’re still getting your feet wet and testing the waters. Remember that whether you choose this wonderful life or choose temporary vanity, doubts will inevitably arise and self-confidence will be undermined.

But don’t lose hope. Because even when darkness gathers, the light of hope still burns within you. You are more than reliable algorithms and trading indicators, you also have profit and loss calculated precisely on the screen.

You are the captain of your soul, called to sail the seas of misery. Not following others, but charting your own course with battle-hardened wisdom. Having been in your shoes once, I really understand what you are going through. The emptiness you speak of, the sense of connection as each transaction flows like the leaves of a bird. Even after hours of looking at charts, the pattern you’re looking for is still elusive. But the secret of this feature lies in this secret. The market frenzy holds secrets available only to those with eyes to see and faith willing to do so. Never forget that! I think changing your trading strategy can be a scary prospect at first glance.

Your change will never be easy. If something has worked for you, it seems silly to entrust it to someone you don’t know. But if you stick with a failed strategy out of comfort or fear, you’re playing a losing game. I know that feeling! As traders, we study data, adjust indicators and look for bullish trends, only to be proven wrong by the market. What started as a promising approach is boring but scary to continue. It reminds me of my first day of high school: walking down unfamiliar hallways, swimming and diving. Starting a new trading strategy without a reliable “profit plan” can be daunting. 

How to make the change in a smart and controlled way? 

Before fully funding a new strategic idea, do your homework. Imagine this is your exam. Read first and don’t rush to invest real money in an idea that has never been tested. This is madness. Instead, continue to be patient and dedicated.

You should first test the strategy using historical market data to determine how it will perform over years, not months. Also, don’t forget to evaluate the loss rate and the level of risk you have to bear in addition to the average return. Remediation is a godsend because it reveals potential problems you may not have thought of before. After a new strategy goes through a virtual trial period, it becomes a trial period where you stay with the strategy through various market stages and volatile fluctuations. Learn how he processes emotions you can’t replicate. Also note the downside, which only occurs when real money is at stake.

Risk Awareness

This is a very important matter, so please act carefully and not impulsively. I know that the new strategy has great potential, but it also carries great risks if we are not careful. So, before moving on to a new option, assess the value of your capital (cash). How might a credit crunch or volatility affect this? Different market scenarios need to be explored to assess how new approaches can meet future challenges and succeed. You also shouldn’t get so obsessed with the latest strategy that you forget to consider the strengths and weaknesses of your current strategy. Write down what you learned about your new lesson. 

Check for areas that may have issues with the new style. If you want, you can create a robust risk management framework with safety nets. However, start with small trades where you can allow losses and set protective stop costs, or start paper trading to test new strategies without real money online. If performance looks promising, slowly increase as you gain confidence.

Start new strategies slowly

Moving on to the second point, you can dip your toes in, but don’t jump right away. Because if you do that, you might end up making a decision you’ll regret a lot and lose money. Of course, shiny new Stock market game and trading strategies promise potential rewards, but like life, they also come with uncertainties. At night, you can sink slowly, like on your toes, instead of diving head first. Going all-in from the start exposes you to unnecessarily high risk if unexpected problems arise. The soft start allows you to understand strategies for navigating real market trends while minimizing potential losses. You can start trading with just a fraction of your typical position size (10%-15%-20%).

You should consider these first trades as a test drive. The market gives you the opportunity to experience this without risking your entire stake. Otherwise, you know the worst that can happen. Watch your strategy run like a hawk in the launch days, weeks and months. If possible, try to control your trading volume.


The term comes from the idea of using a pencil and paper to track your potential gains and losses had you invested your actual money.

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