I can’t trade symbol I used to trade

From time to time, the ETB shortlist changes. Therefore, trader2B must be up to date with the allowable symbols list. The goal is to trade in the ToroChallenge as if you were trading in the real market.

ToroChallenge Reimbursement

The initial ToroChallenge subscription reimbursement will be paid out to the trader once they request their first payout from their Live Trading Account.

ToroChallenge Educational Resources

Regardless of the ToroChallenge™ package that you have subscribed to, trader2B will give access to all of the educational resources that are available to all subscribers.

ToroChallenge Targets

Subscribers will complete the ToroChallenge when they reach their profit target of 6% and execute a minimum of 200 round trades and get atleast 50% net consistency without breaking any trading rules.